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Recent news​

Registering as a bona fide religion.
David Halladay.  June 01 2014
The site now has a domain name. The next thing that we will be looking into, is registering as a bona fide religion/organisation with a view to being legally able to perform ceremonies that are legally recognised, marriages etc., 
Most importantly to our order we will then seek towards having the use of our Holy Sacrement (Cannabis Sativa) recognised by law as a fundamental right. We should be free of persecution and prosecution to consume, administer and cultivate this most sacred of plant's for our own use. 
When we have achieved this aim, we will finally be able to practice spiritual and shamanistic ceremonies. It is our dream to be able to provide spiritual enlightenment through shamanistic practices of sweat lodges and  sacred drumming rituals under the divine power of entheogens. Cannabis Sativa has been used in this manner for millenia. We only seek to reclaim what is ours by birthright.
This is a genuine endeavour and should not be confused with an agenda to circumvent the law in order to profit from it in any way. 
Love and light.
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Blessed Beltane
Rev. David Halladay May 2015
Congratulations to Jens (Son of Anders) Johansen and his beautiful bride Melissa Proverbs on their handfasting ceremony yesterday (May 1st.)
I had the honour and privelige of conducting the ceremony for them and I'm most grateful to them both for entrusting me with this significant life event, especially as it was my first time as an officiant. I'll take this opportunity to say that they are two lovely people and I'm proud to call them friends. Their family made the whole day memorable, a great bunch of people to know.
The ceremony itself. What better place to conduct it than the Callanish Stones on Beltane Day and yes it stayed dry, praise be to the gods. We began with Circle casting in the Wiccan tradition and called the quarters and asked for Divine blessing from the Great Spirit, the One from which all energy flows. The Handfasting was very much in the Celtic Tradition, connecting with our ancestors. On a personal note, I felt a tangible connection to the energy of others celebrating Beltane. 
All in all, a blessed day.
Jens and Melissa
Love, light and blessings. May you be blessed with health, wealth and happiness dear friends.
(Phtograph courtesy of Chris Murray.)


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