Greetings Brothers and Sisters.
You are witnessing the birth of a new movement. Jump aboard and be part of the Revolution. A revolution of the mind. Halladology is bringing religious and philosophical thought into the 21st century.
In these dak and challenging times, we need a paradigm shift in human consciousness and that dear friends is going to require action. The first step towards moving forward is in changing ourselves before we can change the world. I don't have all the answers, but I believe that change is not only possible, it is essential. The Revolution begins in the mind.
What began as a satire on religion is fast becoming a mission to change the world for the better. I thought I might achieve this in a small way through my music but is increasingly apparent that this is an impossible task as the music industry is as rotten as every other industry. To make it independantly requires more time and energy than I can spare at 48 years old and a father to a toddler. Add to that, the music is not radio friendly or aimed at any demographic commercially.
The one constant in everything is my increasing dissatisfaction with the world and society.
I have witnessed a gradual decline in civilisation and it's not getting any better. A decline in moral values, an increasing dumbing down of society, a society that cares more about celebrities than real issues. Due to the increasing contol of the banking cartels, the military/industrial complex and puppet regimes the world is rapidly going to hell. add also to that the rise of neo-nazi groups and radical religious organisations, the dark forces are groing stronger. Negative energies are sucking the very life out of us. It even appears that some of these crazy people are trying to make the Apocalypse of the Book of Revelation come to fruition like a self fulfilling prophecy. Dark energies.
In the same way that casting a stone in a pond creates ripples, the energies we put out reverberate into the Universe. Everything is connected at a sub atomic level thus manifesting as something tangible in our (percieved) reality. Don't believe it? Think of a piece of music as an example of this. Music is nothing more than sound waves, it is our ears that pick up the vibrational frequencies and our brains that process that information and our perception that experiences it. Now take those frequencies, different musical styles operate at different frequencies, now these different frequencies are having different experiencial effects on your mood.
Now does it make sense? All of our senses are tuned to vibrational frquencies, the Universe itself give off vibrations. This is how Magik works. If you don't think that the corporate masters are using High Magik, then you don't understand how the world is being manipulated by these people. These people are sorcerers of the Highest Degree and we must defend ourselves from their schemes.
Just as they are creating their world, we have the power if we are united and our numbers strong, to change the world to one we want to live in. We can create a world that is just, where everyone is equal and noone goes without the essential things to life, food, water and shelter.
The greatest challenge undoubtedly is that we have been indoctrinated to such a degree, that the vast majority of the general populace are unwilling to make the neccesary changes at a personal level to move forward. People think that the way we live is the only way. Work your whole life for some faceless corporation, blow off steam at the weekend getting intoxicated to the point of unconsciousness, desire all the things you're told you need to be happy, enslaving yourself to pay for it all. Mankind is not meant to live this way, we've learned this stuff. It's all an illusion that takes us away from the path. We are not in tune with the Universe or our home Planet Earth. We are out of balance with the natural order of things.
Join me and bring the Light back into the Human heart. Shine a beacon of hope into the Darkest of places. Are you brave enough to begin a revolution of the mind?
Love and blessings
David Halladay (Rev.)