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Writer's picture: David HalladayDavid Halladay


Good day to you.I hope all is well with you.

Today I will be talking about cults and charlatans that masquerde as religious organisations and spiritual guides. I began Halladology as a satire on this theme and had intended posting videos and lectures as spoofs on the type of material encountered along this rocky road. However, this being a subject close to my heart, and a journey I have been on for most of my life, with periods of being lost along the way admittedly and then rediscovering the path through times of adversity, I feel inclined to meet this subject head on and attempt to build something tangible. I use the term Church loosely and religion even looser still. As it is in Taoism, it is more a way of life.

The Church of Halladology is NOT a cult, nor am I going to fleece anyone. My intention is simply to bring to light the corruption of political and religious organisations, expose the personality cults for what they are and offer guidance towards the true nature of existence through the true wisdom of genuine mystics and sages.

What qualifies me to teach or advise on such deep questions regarding existence and the nature of the Divine Consciousness? Fair question. The answer to this is that I have been studying this stuff for the best part of three decades, I have read everything from The Bible to the Quaran, Buddhism and Taoism to the Shamanist writings of Carlos Castaneda. I have explored the other realms through meditation and been on profound journeys through the ingestion of Psychoative compounds such as LSD and Magic Mushrooms (Psilosybin). Regretably Peyote was not so easily acquired back in those days before I had responsibilities that led me away from such journeys.

I do intend to be fully authenticated and apply for the legitimate usage of Cannabis and Psychtropic compounds as ways to aid in spiritual enlightenment. In the not too distant future, I also intend to organise a trip to the Amazon for the Order and hope to have some followers on board for that, to meet the Shamen who administer Ayahusca. My teachings will always be backed up by others more advanced than I. Think of me as more of a guide or conduit to the learned masters. I shall endeavour to learn more, and really, this is a journey we will take together if you are brave enough. I am commited to waking people up from their slumber, embracing the true journey within us all. Turn away from the cult of personality, the false idolotry of celebrity, the illusion of consumerism and find the light within. The real Revolution must begin with the mind.

I digress. I began talking about who NOT to follow. Today I will leave aside the Orthodox religions, leaving that aside for another day and concentrate on the blatantly flawed and blatantly corrupt movements, leaders and organisations. Spiritual gurus, such as The Maharishi Yogi do not strike me as being the sort of people we can believe in. They talk a good talk, but examined a bit closer, they appear to be charlatans. Take this guy for example, he teaches one thing yet does another. Teaching austerity and chastity whilst owning fleets of Rolls Royces, owning real estate all over the world and enjoying the company of starry eyed nubile young women. No wonder he's grinning all the time as someone in on a private joke. He hangs out with the rich and famous and fleeces them. Any religious or spiritual man would surely use the accumalated funds to pass onto those in need if he had any conviction. Wouldn't you think?

John Lennon saw through him very quickly.

By far the largest organisation of fraudulent practices is the cult of Scientology. Set up by mediocre sci-fi writer L. Ron Hubbard, a charlatan, con man and down right manipulative snake oil salesman. This organisation has covered the globe, pulling in Hollywood stars, the rich and famous with its bogus agenda. Here's how it works. Once they've reeled you in, they perform an "audit" using a contraption called an "E Meter", a device that looks like a multimeter you would test electrical circuits with, and it has flashing lights on it to add to the theatrics, the "auditer" then evaluates you and surprise, surprise...they find that you definately could benefit from "clearing" another name for counselling. This of course involves further "audits" at considerable expense to you. You are also encouraged to buy books, CD's of L. Ron's lectures, again costing hundreds of pounds. You could end up over time "donating" thousands to the organisation. In the case of the rich and famous, perhaps millions. Of course, these people get closer to the inner circle and get told the "big secret", (not so secret anymore thanks to the whisleblowers and the internet) that there was an intergalactic war and a race called the Thetans who survived after coming to Earth millions of years ago. They inhabit our bodies. "Engrams" or our memories are in conflict with our Thetans...and so on it goes. Pure psychobabble of course.

The thing is, this was knowledge you could not attain until you were a high level Thetan, or put more truthfully, had spent a small fortune over many years to attain. So as you can see, brainwashing is central to this cult. In the Dianetics book, "The Bible of Scientology", it even uses the term loosely all be it seemingly benevolent. I've read it! Luckily for me or perhaps by the grace of God I had the presence of mind to see it for what it was. Let me tell you though, just by having the book, these people hounded me for years to become a member. They gave up eventually, thankfully.

Be careful also of the Door Knockers as I call them. Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons. Please don't be mean to them, don't shoot the messenger as it were. The disciples mean well and it's not their fault they are so maleable. Ever noticed that they all have a vacant far away look? Brainwashing. I entertain them without becoming too involved, they generally get the hint after a while. Especially if you begin picking holes in their well rehearsed scripts. Treat these lost souls with respect, but absolutely do NOT let them get inside your head. I have a Book of Mormon in my possesion, kindly left by one of the lovely young ladies who called at my door.

Now this "religion" believes in aliens as well, a different species to the Thetans of Hubbard's imagination. Allegedly, Joseph Smith was given the Golden Tablets by an extraterrestrial being. Okay. Now it's not the craziest theory I've ever heard, I certainly believe life must exist in other galaxies, but put that to one side a moment. There's absolutely no proof that this encounter ever happened, the Golden Tablets are nowhere to be seen and we only have the word of Joseph Smith to go on. Come on?!!!

They never ask for money, so to an extent these guys are relatively harmless if you don't let them get inside your head. However, don't waste valuable time on your spiritual quest with such unsubstantiated nonsense.

The Jehova's Witnesses. Now these guys, I need to do more research on. I have seen documentaries alluding to the fact they are Luciferian in origin. However without further investigation on my part, I cannot in all good conscience verify this. The only thing I will say is this, they seem to interperate scripture in their own way.

Other charlatans of note, and to be avoided at all cost, are those television evangelists. Most infamous of these being Jimmy Swaggart. These guys are snake oil salesmen. Swaggart has his own version of the Bible, complete with his own annotations, leather bound and available to buy for a hundred bucks on his own cable channel. Oh yes indeed. You can also buy study guides, videos, tapes, CD's all available through his phone lines as he pontificates right at you from the comfort of your armchair. If you were around in the1980's you may remember the famous scandals involving Swaggart. Vying for subscribers, Swaggart and another guy from The Assemblies of God, Marvin Gorman conducted smear campaigns on one another coming to a climax with Swaggart being exposed for having regular sessions with a prostitute at a motel in New Orleans.

After being caught, publicly pleading for forgiveness worthy of an Oscar, he was caught again three years later with another prostitute. Not exactly a man who practices what he preaches. Despite all that he still peddles his own skewed version of the "Good Book" all for a fee, encouraging people who can ill afford to, to part with their money and give it to him.

Beware wolves in sheep's clothing.

On that note I shall take my leave for now. Next time we shall look at the more orthodox religions, their fundamental weaknesses, the ones that are left overs from blood sacrifice belief systems and the blatantly obvious counterpoints to orthodox religions that are nothing more than perversions of these religions and practiced by people of weak character.

Love and Light.

David Halladay.

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